Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson: may his soul rest in peace.

I am sad today; I was going to write about my beloved country Ghana, then I put the TV on CNN. From the beginning of their reporting of M.J.'s hospitalization to the end, I was there watching. Michael Jackson was truly a legend, in music and in dance. I think particularly in dance, he did what most people never imagined the human body was capable of. I mean, if they had thought about it, they may have said "yes, it is physically possible to do this with your body", but who really had that level of imagination before Michael showed us it could be done?

I am very sorry to hear about his death, although I can not say I have ever seen him as one who can do no wrong as some do. I only wish he had had a better life experience starting from his childhood; his end may have been different and his legacy may not have been so marred. And yet even with his past transgressions, he stilled captured our hearts in his death; I truly am deeply saddened.

When all is said and done, I can only consider one thing. Michael achieved so much in his short life, more than several people could have done if they had each been given ten lives. Outside the UCLA hospital after the announcement of his death, countless people played his songs through loudspeakers and also sang them in his memory. But as Michael has now passed on, not one of his accolades can follow him. Where he goes, not the sound of a single one of those songs they were singing can be heard.

All I can think about right now is: did Michael know where he was going? As in did he have a relationship with the Lord of the universe; with Jesus Christ. That is the only prayer I can pray for him as I mourn his death, that, if even only in his final moments, he would have submitted his life to Christ. Naturally, every human being sometimes thinks about their own life, whether or not they will live it well. At this time as we all grieve the loss of a trailblazer, I encourage you to think about your soul, and where you will be headed when you receive that great and final call.

Once again, another thought comes to mind: Michael Jackson was a unique individual such as the world had never seen before. I truly believe God raised him up in a special way and gave him not one but many special gifts to touch people. I wonder, now that he is gone, who will be the person in this generation that will touch so many countless people around the world. Will there ever be such a person again? Make no mistake, I make no comparisons between him and the one and only Jesus Christ, who is unrivalled in history for those He's touched; but among ordinary men, will there be anyone who can touch the world again to the extent that Michael did?